Jesus, I miss one weekend; and this happens!

I get it, tho'; sometimes you gotta let the well refill before drawing up buckets again.

Much, much respect, always; and hope to read you again one day. I will be guaranteed to be as glad as i was when I refound your writings here.

May the well refill, and you be refreshed by it.


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I will miss your wonderful voice and thoughtful musings on the mundane and profane. Take care of yourself and I hope we meet again. I will think of you every time I make meatloaf <3

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It’s been a pleasure to read your writing, travel with you, see the world through your eyes, and hear your voice in my head every week. I REALLY can hear your voice reading your words to me!

Even a good and wonderful thing can feel by its creator like it’s run its course. You will be back in some venue or another in all your glory. Meanwhile, enjoy the break while you recharge.❤️

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I'll sure miss your posts, Erin, however, taking care of YOURSELF comes first!! Taking a much-needed break is always good for the mind and soul. I hope you keep sharing your quirky and fun photos and musings on all you see and experience on Facebook! Luv ya and take it easy!! 💜

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Hey Cuz - i have mixed emotions…. I am so happy you get a chance to mix things up . But I will miss my Friday morning read. I wish you a great next step and hope you and the Goat are planning some adventures.

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Hurrah for a break! And, I will miss your writing, greatly. And you. Love in the great beyond!

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the "arrow of time" is a topic I enjoy reading that theoretical physicists address but for which i am in no way qualified to understand. nevertheless, the more mystical types might assert that "deep past" and "far future" are much closer than might initially seem the case. here's to "present".

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I will miss you


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I'll miss your posts but good luck in everything you do x

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Feeling the pang of absence already, Erin -- but I do understand that projects have a lifespan. Whatever you do next -- I'm there to read it.

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It’s been such a pleasure reading these and getting a sense of who you are through your weeklies. I’m wildly impressed with your dedication to the project, and your openness throughout. Enjoy the well-deserved break, and let’s go wander in the flats sometime soon.

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